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Israel under attack: rocket hits Ashkelon in first Gaza rocket attack since Pillar of Defense
Gaza rocket hits Ashkelon: rocket attack was first since 'Pillar of Defense' Gaza ceasefire
Gaza rocket hits southern Israel: attack on Ashkelon breaks Pillar of Defense ceasefire
OPERATION PILLAR OF DEFENSE: Gaza rockets hit Ashkelon school and home
Gaza rocket attack: militants fire first rocket toward Israel since Operation Pillar of Defense
OPERATION 'PILLAR OF DEFENSE': Israelis suffer night of Gaza rocket attacks
Israel under attack: Jerusalem responds to renewed Gaza rocket attacks with airstrikes
Palestinian militants break truce with rocket attack on Israel
BBC presenter under rocket fire in Ashkelon, Israel
Israel Under Attack: Gaza militants fire rocket toward Ashkelon as recent escalation continues
Gaza militants fire rockets at Israeli city of Ashkelon, wounding one
OPERATION PILLAR OF DEFENSE: Israel under siege: Gaza rocket threat widens